BTEC Level 3 Unit 5 Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs 2016


This resource covers the whole of unit 5.  The are over 100 slides covering the specification.  This will save you hours of time.  There are independent tasks and group tasks.  There are case studies to help students build on skills required for their assessment.  There are several YouTube clips to reinforce learning and give ideas so that students can relate sections to the health and social care field.  The student booklet should be used alongside the teaching resources.  It contains many links to websites and Youtube videos and so it could be an idea to use this as a digital tool that students can access from home and then you can set certain sections as homework.  It is also useful as they can go back over sections they are unsure of and look again at clips and links if needed.

 A limited availability to purchase this product at an introductory price of £65 until the 15th September 2017

Please note that we have no control over the YouTube clips.  It is important that you double check that the clips are suitable for the age that are viewing them and that the clips still work as they can be updated or discontinued.  If a clip is discontinued you are advised to contact Outstanding Resources so that we can find a suitable alternative for you.  We also try are best to ensure there are no spelling mistakes in the slides, but at times there can be an odd one that we miss!   Thank you for your support.

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