Language and communication
This lesson look at language and communication. There are a number of tasks for students to do. This lesson could be extended over a number of lessons. It is probably best done near to when you wish to do the child study, as students will have an understanding of how their child will communicate and can add in key words to their observations. There are a number of YouTube clips that you may want to download first to make the lesson fun smoothly. The lesson starts with a game of charades. You may want to use your own phrases, however, there are ideas on the ‘game’ sheet. The flash cards contain the key words. On one side is the word and the other is the definition. Make sure you print as handouts.
Please note that we have no control over the YouTube clips. It is important that you double check that the clips are suitable for the age that are viewing them and that the clips still work as they can be updated or discontinued. If a clip is discontinued you are advised to contact Outstanding Resources so that we can find a suitable alternative for you. Thanks
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